Saturday 6 June 2009

I Think....

i think heaven is purple.
i think heaven will be held in PALESTINE.
i think human pride might be fatal
i think (SHE) is the most wonderful,amazing and magnificent art piece ever.
i think loveless mariage is rape.
i think one life is not enough.
i think dancing is divine.
i think there is no ugly (SHE).
i think sipritualless life is a dead life.
i think human figure is amazing esp the (SHE) ones.
i think (SHE) is the most intelligent creature.
i think heavn is (SHE) and the hell is too.
i think i hate addiction
i think i love to be addicted.
i think primitivity is seducing.
i think the sea has its divine side.
i think i am more than what i am.
i think i am in a state of yening.
i think words are the least expressing thing.
i think i am a good dentist.
i think rain is a love ritual and sexually appealling.
i think mirrors are not always honest.
i think french is seducing.
i think i would love someone bcoz of his/her hands.
i think the sun makes us more beautiful.
i think black is the god of colors.
i think god is inside each one of us and in the thin string between us.
i think there is no 100% honesty.
i think the origin of human being was a (SHE).
i think holy books would be much smaller if they were not talking about us.
i think in a kiss only the frightened and the liar may open thier eyes.
i think our hands tell a lot about us.
i think the more i enjoy my self-company, the more i get honest with ppl.
i think the lion is not the king of the forest.
i think the Pegasus was real.
i think i would love God more if he was a (SHE).
i think the sight sense is the least important sense.
i think the smell is the crulest sense.
i think my mom is a beauty icon.
i think i enjoy being a (HE) in the kindom of (SHE).
i think if i love a (SHE) i will worship her,otherwise i won't be faithful.
i think there is someone else with me inside me.
i think materialism is a discirmenation of humanity.
i think music dramatize our grief.
i think i wont love my son as much as i love my brother.
i think i will leave a mark one day.
i think i would be so greedy if roses are used instead of money.
i think there is no (other) but me..(the other is the reflection of my actions).
i think i would like to be Gelgamesh.
i think sex is a divine action.
i think i would love the mythic time when gods and godesses were living together with humans.
i think the time machine is possible to be invented.
i think i adore SIDORI the godess of wine.
i think we all have an unspeakable secret,unreachable dream,and an unforgettable love.
i think when it comes to relations,(HE) is the idiot part.
i think i would like to start a single session conversation with a total (SHE) stranger.
i think death is the crossing line between two different lives.
i think HIJAB is a total descrimination against men and beauty.
i think Solomon was lucky talking to animals although it must be so annoying.
i think prison might be a good place.
i think god will creat no more fairouz.
i think fairouz will be singing in paradise.
i think that the most beautifull time in love is when we are ascending the stairs.


Amy said...

I loved this all over again...

Abdulla.N said...

try to your own, Amy.
it is so relieving.

Trixx said...

I think you should stick to these writings, they make more sense and contribute at least in some way (after reading your work on space....)

Abdulla.N said...

am glad that u understood something, seems lot easier for you..any way thank you..